NEE: Clacton Primary Care Network Shared Decision Making

The Partnership would be grateful if you could please complete a short survey about your experience of Shared Decision Making at your recent appointment.

Shared Decision Making is a fundamental principle of good quality consultations between healthcare professionals and patients. We are working to improve the quality of our conversations by auditing a sample of Patients’ current experiences of shared decision making.

Surveys are anonymous and the information will be used by the Clacton PCN to improve the service it offers to patients. This will give the Partnership an opportunity to develop a better understanding of patients’ experience of involvement in decision making conversations about their care and treatment, and identify areas of development required to improve the quality of these discussions.

If you attended more than one appointment in the past week, please only refer to a single visit when completing the survey.

The Partnership would be grateful if you could please complete a short survey about your experience of Shared Decision Making at your recent appointment.

Shared Decision Making is a fundamental principle of good quality consultations between healthcare professionals and patients. We are working to improve the quality of our conversations by auditing a sample of Patients’ current experiences of shared decision making.

Surveys are anonymous and the information will be used by the Clacton PCN to improve the service it offers to patients. This will give the Partnership an opportunity to develop a better understanding of patients’ experience of involvement in decision making conversations about their care and treatment, and identify areas of development required to improve the quality of these discussions.

If you attended more than one appointment in the past week, please only refer to a single visit when completing the survey.

Page last updated: 21 Feb 2024, 09:46 AM