Extended Surgery hours

Hello from MarieDelia

I would like 2 say that I have waited for GPSurgeries 2 catch up with the rest of Health care by extending hours & weekends!

We live in a 24 hour world these days & whilst I appreciate GP's have an extended patient area, it could be achieved with have rostered doctors & nurses lists, maybe interchange with other surgeries where a busier period requires more help. Also look at employing people (retirees especially) who could do the administration, and are not hampered by family. They could work later as your receptionists in the evening & at weekends, so your doctors can see more patients. Yes I know doctors have families too, but that's where the rota comes in, doctors don't work every weekend, maybe 1 in 4. After all your Hospital doctors & nurses works shifts, hospitals don't close, ambulances don't work 8 till 5!! So I believe with good communication & interaction more people that need a doctor can be seen not sometimes 2/3 days after they ring. As u may have guessed I would put myself forward 2 work in a surgery or in a hospital as a Ward Clerk taking some of the Administrative work from the medical people, give them more time 2 help sick people, but sadly people see anybody over 65/70 as useless, when so many if us would love 2 get out & be useful in our community.